May 06, 2004

Pot calls kettle black (edition 47, 811,903)

I’m not going to bother to blog every time the government does something hypocritical. I mean really, who has that much time? And as a member of the human race I will go on the record saying that it is nice to see the American government express its disgust over Sudan getting a seat on the UN Human Rights Commission. But c’mon, how much righteous anger is it appropriate to express on this matter when we are closely allied with such noted friends of freedom as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan? An argument can certainly be made that the Sudanese government is more cruel and inhumane than those regimes and other vicious friends of ours. But at some point the line gets pretty thin. Posted by armand at May 6, 2004 10:30 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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