May 19, 2004

Leon Holmes

As part of a deal that was announced yesterday aimed at discouraging President Bush from making further recess appointments to the federal courts, the Senate has announced that it will soon hold votes on 25 of the president's "noncontroversial" nominees to the federal bench. One of these "noncontroversial" nominees is Leon Holmes. We must truly have entered a new and unfortuante era in American politics when Holmes is not controversial. Holmes, who is nominated to the federal district court in Arkansas and has the support of that state's two Democratic senators, has said and written many things that should block his confirmation. Examples? How about "the wife is to be subordinate to her husband" or "concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur approximately with the same frequency as snowfall in Miami". He has spent much of his legal career trying to undermine abortion rights, and has on many occasions expressed his disgust for Roe v. Wade. If you care at all about this issue you should call your senators and tell them to vote against Leon Holmes. Several Republicans have expressed reservations about his candidacy so it might yet be possible to block his lifetime appointment. And of course you should remember who nominated this guy on November 2.

Posted by armand at May 19, 2004 01:11 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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