May 26, 2004

Teen Drinking

From Ricky Prado we have news that a bill that would make it illegal for restaurants to sell alcohol to minors who have their parents’ permission to drink is making its way through the state legislature in Louisiana. It’s a sad day when even a state as easy-going and supposedly family-centered as Louisiana is on the verge of passing this kind of law. Mothers Against Drunk Driving and related organizations that have been pushing to limit teenagers’ access to alcohol might have their hearts in the right place, but these kinds of laws are extremely dangerous.

Of course they are dangerous on very basic levels. They weaken what little demand for personal responsibility remains in our society. They put the onus of responsibility for one’s actions on businesses and the government instead of on individuals, groups and families. In addition, they continue the extremely troubling trend of making activities that millions of people are involved in illegal. When passing laws that no one will abide by becomes the norm our political and legal systems are in a heap of trouble.

But getting beyond more theoretical concerns and to this particular issue, this is an example of especially abysmal law making. In the first place, it continues the trend that’s been created, must notably through the establishment of the 21 drinking age, that drives teen drinking underground. No one really thinks teen drinking is going to disappear, so what would we rather have – teen drinking or unsupervised teen drinking? How about further intensifying the environment in which drinking is labeled as cool? How about making those pressures most intense in the years in which many young people are engaging in keggers and initiations? If states feel the need to get into the regulation of the drinking habits of teenagers it would probably make more sense to require families to buy drinks for their 17 year olds in restaurants. That way at least some of them would hopefully pick up a few lessons about how to drink responsibly.

Finally, I know it’s an old complaint, but remind me – why is it that young men and women can vote for president, or die for their country, but they can’t order a glass of syrah with dinner? I know that people have been asking that question for years now, but I have yet to hear a reasonable answer.

Posted by armand at May 26, 2004 05:59 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture

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