June 08, 2004

Coalition Politics and Netanyahu

In case you've been living in a cave recently and haven't gotten the news, the Israeli government is in a great deal of turmoil. The latest move is that the National Religious Party might pull out of the ruling coalition. In any event, it's looking increasingly likely that Labor will join the government at some point.

There are a number of potential consequences of such a move that will be worth watching. The most obvious deal with the Gaza pull-out and what the implications will be for the eventual Labor leadership election. But another is what it will mean for the career of Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. If Labor's votes are needed they will doubtless pull Israel's economic plans in directions he doesn't want to take the country. Of course if they enter the government they will no doubt demand a major ministry or two (and of late Netanyahu's relationship with Prime Minister Sharon is even worse than usual). But if Netanyahu retains his ministry he will be put in an even more difficult position in trying to run the Israeli economy. Netanyahu is already a polarizing figure of course, but such a role could conceivably run up his negatives even higher than they already are. Maybe he won't be Sharon's successor after all.

Posted by armand at June 8, 2004 11:53 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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