June 23, 2004

West Virginians Disgust Will Saletan

And apparently he knows nothing about them. Here's a hint to supposedly serious news publications. If you're going to have someone write would-be pithy snapshots of the swing states, how about having someone who has a clue about them write them. It's just a thought. I mean if Saletan thinks that Morgantown is socially conservative as West Virginia towns go, or that Charles Town is representative of West Viginia ... well, he isn't even in the same room as the first vague clue he's hoping to find.

Which isn't to say that his overall point is inaccurate. But he should just say what he has to say and stop pretending that he's learned anything from his visit to middle America.

Posted by armand at June 23, 2004 11:47 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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