July 07, 2004

Bergen on Mylroie

Did one woman's obsession take the U.S. to war? Read the story by Peter Bergen, someone who actually does know a lot about terrorism, here.

It's well worth reading the article if you don't know about Mylroie and the harm she's done, but I want to briefly note two things related to it. Juan Cole has a post here about the dangers of "think tanks" printing just about anything that supports their beliefs. Remember that there are some good reasons behind the peer-review process. Secondly, the numbers of people involved in the investigation of whether or not Iraq was involved in 9/11 almost defy comprehension. That the Vice President is not taken to task for continuing to say that Iraq was involved in 9/11 after what's far and away the biggest investigation in the history of human existence is an appalling stain on the American media.

Posted by armand at July 7, 2004 10:58 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


And Cheney continues skate, and be allowed to link things that are not connected. The 9/11 commission continues to deny that there is a connection between Iraq and Bin Laden, and Cheney continues to assert one. And nobody seems to want to take him to task for this.

Posted by: Baltar at July 7, 2004 11:23 AM | PERMALINK
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