July 09, 2004

Staggering Numbers from Juan Cole

Don't know how many saw this number, but Juan Cole notes today that official Iraqi figures put 400 Iraqis dead and 1600 wounded since the offical handover of sovereignty on June 28th. Those are staggering numbers. One would think that unless the security situation improves, there won't be a government around too long.

Not that these comparisons are very useful, but if Iraq is 25 million, and we're about twelve times as large (just under 300 million according to the Census Bureau), then scaled up that would be like 4800 dead and 19,400 wounded in a week and a half for America. If that's not a crisis, I don't know what is.

It suffers in comparison, but the same Juan Cole page notes that 5 US soldiers were killed, and 20 wounded, at Samarra. One of the worst days for the US in a while.

Posted by baltar at July 9, 2004 04:42 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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