July 12, 2004

People are Stoooopid

I assume this quote (paragraph 10) is taken out of context. If it isn't this person is a moron:

"There's an arrogance in the scientific community that they know better than the average American," Ms. Lafferty said.

I'm going to assume "moron" and not "misquoted". Someone let me know if I'm wrong. By the way, I certainly hope scientists are smarter than the average American. If they aren't, then we're in a whole heap of trouble. See, that's their job. They are supposed to be smart and figure stuff out. If they were as smart as the average American we'd all still be banging rocks together and trying to figure out fire.

I suppose it is obvious, but it is worth pointing out that Ms. Lafferty the Executive Director of the right wing "Traditional Values Coalition." She opposes scientific studies on human reproduction, sociology of underage sex, the actual effectiveness of an "abstinence only" sex-ed program, and other "pseudo-science." And she's annoyed 'cause the scientists she opposes seem to "know" more than the average American. 'Nuff said.

Posted by baltar at July 12, 2004 04:37 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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