July 22, 2004

The Canadian Opposition

In the interest of giving equal time ...

Conservative party leader Stephen Harper, whose party was recently defeated by Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin's Liberals, announced his shadow cabinet team. Perhaps most importantly Peter MacKay, the former leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, is going to stay on as Deputy Leader. MacKay is an extremely appealing moderate face who appeals to many voters who fear Harper and his former Alliance Party allies are too extreme for Canada. Belinda Stronach, who was Harper's top rival in the leadership election last March will be the Shadow Minister for International Trade (a position that should be of some interest to Americans). Considering her media skills, background and connections (and yeah, her appearance doesn't hurt) she still has an extremely bright future ahead of her if she chooses to remain in politics.

Posted by armand at July 22, 2004 03:52 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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