August 02, 2004

Election mapping

This is an interesitng comparison. Look at this map, and then compare it to this one. Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections looks a lot like, say, USA today's 2000 map, though I'd like to see others for comparison. What's striking - aside from the fact that he reverses the normal 'blue state/red state' color code - is the shift over the four year period. Again, this is by county, not state, so you can see that it's a wider shift than a concentrated few to win a state. Also interesting is that this is an amateur site. You'd think that some enterprising political geographer would have something like this up somewhere. Or maybe there is one, and I haven't found it. Grad students, start your GIS programs! Posted by binky at August 2, 2004 01:11 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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