August 07, 2004

Rodney Alexander, Duplicitous Weather Vane

You can add one name (and put it in bold and a huge font) to the list of politicians who are little more than arrogant, self-involved scoundrels. Congressman Rodney Alexander of Louisiana switched parties yesterday. He'd flirted with a switch months ago, represents a conservative area, and apparently he's been promised a seat on the Appropriations mega-committee by Hastert-DeLay-Blunt and company. So the switch itself isn't that surprising. What really makes me hope he loses though is how he switched parties. He switched on the last minute of filing for the fall elections, thereby making it impossible for the Democrats to field a strong candidate against him in the fall. So the Republicans will presumably hold that seat for the next 29 months without any possibility of inter-party competition. I just love the level of respect he has for the system that put him into office, the system of government our soldiers are dying to defend.

Posted by armand at August 7, 2004 03:50 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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