August 19, 2004

Beautiful Game

While others are analyzing the Olympics and their relation to both foreign policy and the US election, there's another story that ought to get more press than it has. For those of you who don't follow Latin American and Caribbean politics, you might not be aware that Brazil stepped in to lead the peacekeping efforts in Haiti after the recent unrest. This week, as part of this effort, there was a "friendly" game of soccer between Brazil and Haiti. Even though Haiti was no match for the jogo bonito, there were reports of widespread cheering of the Brazilians by the Haitian people. In addition, the President of Brazil - yes, the President of Brazil - came to Haiti and not only attended the game, but planted a pau brasil tree as a gesture of national friendship. Yes it's a symbol, but a very important one of hope and solidarity. Posted by binky at August 19, 2004 11:31 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Sports

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