September 05, 2004

George Bush: Endangering Our Safety So Israel and Pakistan Can Build More Nuclear Weapons

That's a long title for a post, I realize. But this deserves attention. President "I'll keep America safe" (at least AFTER 9/11) Bush scuttles one of the best prospects we have for keeping tabs on nuclear proliferation so that he can please the Israelis (ok, no surpsise there, though getting all cuddly with Sharon has hardly been in our best interest) and Pakistan. That's right, that lovely regime that set up the Taliban, dealt nuclear secrets and technology to many of our favorite people (including Kim Il Sung and Gaddafi), maintains precious little security of the nukes it has scattered around its countryside (see Graham Allison's piece in the October Atlantic Monthly for the chilling details), is presumed to be the current home to Osama bin Laden, is most definitely the home to many of the world's most fearsome terrorists, operates thousands of religious schools that preach hatred of the West and the United States in particular ... well, I could go on and on.

But no, nothing to see here folks. We don't invade nuclear proliferators that house men who've killed thousands of Americans (we save that for other countries) - we carry out favors for them, making it harder for us to prevent the spread of nuclear arms around the globe, thereby helping unstable regimes build more nukes in the process. But nothing to worry about. This is just another example of George Bush keeping you "safer" and showing you his courage and convictions.

Posted by armand at September 5, 2004 12:48 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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