September 06, 2004

Buy the October Issue of The Atlantic

I received my copy of the October issue of The Atlantic this week, and it's well worth checking out. I'll probably discuss some of the weighter political pieces on the blog in a later posts. Among the highlights are Jonathan Rauch discussing whether definitely having a Republican Congress in '05 should affect our vote for president in '04, Graham Allison on Pakistan's loose nukes, James Fallows on the opportunities we lost in Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea by going to war against Iraq, Peter Bergin on the hunt for Osama, and Sridhar Pappu on Eliot Spitzer. And then in the books and culture section you've got Cullen Murphy on Hawking's big oops!, Mark Steyn with a humorous and insightful obituary for Francis Crick, and Christopher Hitchens with a really interesting review of Orhan Pamuk's widely-discussed new novel, Snow. And it's the insightful Hitchens, not the snarling Hitchens (not that some of his snarls don't contain interesting gems of thought). So if you're looking for something to thumb through at your leisure that'll give you a sense of today's world, both politically, culturally and scientifically - this issue is well worth your time.

Posted by armand at September 6, 2004 11:46 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture

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