September 21, 2004

Nukes in North Korea, Iran and Brazil?

Well, this isn't encouraging. And Brazil? Who knew? How will we deal with these threats? Well according to the article, this is our approach: "This administration's nonproliferation strategy consists of flailing around with a two-by-four," says one disgusted Republican elder statesman. Great. That makes me feel safe.

Posted by armand at September 21, 2004 04:20 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


There was another story out this week about how there are about 40 countries that are capable of becoming nuclear. El (Al?) Baradei said the same thing last year too.

Ah, the Brazilians. You know, they just have to be the counter-hegemonic presence to the US in the southern part of the hemisphere. And you can't be that without the possibility of long hard pointy missles aimed to penetrate the defenses of the enemy! Oh wait, sorry. I was having a Cold War moment.

Posted by: binky at September 21, 2004 04:39 PM | PERMALINK
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