September 29, 2004

Sentenced to be Raped

No, I'm not talking about our country's shocking indifferrence to what happens in our prisons, I'm referring to the title of this troubling Nick Kristof column. I wish we were doing more to try and stop this kind of thing, but sadly it's not a priority.

Posted by armand at September 29, 2004 12:33 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


Kristof deserves a lot of credit for being persistent about human rights abuses, and for spending time on the ground around the world investigating these things. He correctly draws the comparison to other global shifts in ethical norms that require leadership. He is being our conscience on the issue, and I hope he keeps it up.

Posted by: binky at September 29, 2004 12:38 PM | PERMALINK

Certainly, in addition to leadership, it will take time. There are many, many more of "them" (people in need of education) then there are of us. And nothing will change so long as the US continues to support and help the regimes that allow this to go on. Of course, that will make the war on terrorism much more difficult...

Posted by: baltar at September 29, 2004 01:42 PM | PERMALINK
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