October 07, 2004

Bush and Religion (a special post for my mother)

I'm not going to make any political hay out of this, just note it as somewhat odd. Our very religious President (a man lionized by American fundamentalists), in fact, does not attend church regularly.

Like I said, I make no political comment on this one. My own person belief is that one's relationship with God is individual, and doesn't really need an organized congregation as a necessary part. My (sainted) mother, however, has disagreed with me on this, and (if I remember correctly) has quoted scripture on this. In any event, I think my view is a distinct minority view, and that most practicing Christians would argue that church (public worship in a group) is a necessary part of being Christian. It is odd (neither good, nor bad, just odd), that Bush - so firmly a Christian both publicly and privately - does not attend.

So, Mom, care to comment?

Posted by baltar at October 7, 2004 12:21 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


Dear Balthar,
Odd, I don't remember naming you that. I did like your thoughts about Bush and religion. And what is fascinating to me is the way folks have decided he is so religious. One of the Baldwin brothers (steven, I think) is out there working for him because "he seems more religious than Kerry." What rubbish! Who knows what is in the heart of a man (and it isn't the Shadow). Kerry has been a practicing Catholic all his life but his stand on abortion seems to make him a heathen with the Christian Right. Well, Balthar, maybe I have lived too long (note my 70th Birthday is next month)but I too feel that faith and worship is in the way one lives and can be done very well outside the established church. You will see this is a change for me. I go to Church because I like to. But not as regularly. The smug , self satisfied attitude of too many born-again Christians (and I consider myself one, as you know) is tough to deal with. Sounds like a certain leader we know.
Didn't you love how he snuck in the prayer reference twice in the first debate. The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders and I do...may he have a long and happy life....just not as President.
Love, Sainted Mother

Posted by: sainted mother at October 7, 2004 02:00 PM | PERMALINK

I'm not sure where the "Bush is very religious" theme got going. Certainly, the Bush camp isn't trying to play it down (and may be working harder on it: there has a clear effort to bring religion and politics together to help with the re-election). It gives their re-elections attempts some of that "smug, self satisfied attitude of too many born-again Christians" to use your words.

What happened to the moderate Republicans? Where did they all go to? Hmm, maybe there's a blog post in there....

P.S. Rock On! I got my mother to comment on my blog.

Posted by: baltar at October 7, 2004 04:17 PM | PERMALINK
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