October 10, 2004

Captain Obvious

I read both the Sunday NYT and WaPo today, and just couldn't get worked up about anything. I was all, like, "yeah, yeah, yeah." Didn't really matter what subject. Bush is spending money to scientifically test to see if prayers can heal. Yeah, that's a big shock. I guess that is one way of cutting down on national health care costs. Would that be a faith-based initative, or not? Some Marines in Iraq are disheartened by how tricky the insurgents are. Can't tell who the good guys and bad guys are, easily. Hmmm, it's an urban guerilla war. I'm shocked, shocked!, that they won't stand still and let us shoot them. Some of the troops support the war, some don't. Sort of like America. Friedman, in his continuing quest to sound like the cutest columist in America, invents a new phrase: PMD (people of mass destruction). Woo!! Where did he get that. I could almost see the smoke comin' out of his ears. Dowd must have needed to hose him off. Broder, the dean of American Journalism, finally notices that Bush & Cheney continue to claim that all the reasons given before the war for why we should invade Iraq are still valid, even though everyone (including hermits in Alaska) knows they haven't found anything there. Really, Mr. Broder? Is this news to you? Perhaps you should read that newspaper you work for every now and again. It's really interesting!!! And informative!!! The Bush and Kerry camp's can't agree on anything. Iraq. Economy. Terrorism. Stem Cells. What direction "north" is when standing at the White House. The time. What that meal between breakfast and dinner is called. It turns out that each state has separate rules for voter registration, who gets to vote, counting and a whole bunch of technical stuff. And it just might be possible that both Democrats and Republicans are trying to turn the rules to their advantage, to get more votes for their side. Wow. If only this had happened in the last election, maybe in a key state, we would have realized this earlier! Thank god for the Washington Post! Oh, and spam and spyware are irritating and annoying. What a great idea! I'll have thousands of subjects to post about now: I'll just tell people what they already know. Coming tomorrow: Water is wet! Tuesday: Fire is hot!

I'm tired. I'm out of energy to find more useless articles. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have something actually interesting to say.

Posted by baltar at October 10, 2004 06:37 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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