November 24, 2004

Supporting the Troops, but not the War

Has anyone seen any polling out there on the number of Americans who feel that's an untenable position? My guess is that it's a lot higher than a lot of Democrats and other Bush opponents would believe. Much like the recent poll that 1/3 of Americans believe that the Bible is the literal word of God ... well, it strikes me that far too many political leaders have unrealistic hopes about winning over certain voters by reframing particular issues. But then again if we'd just bother to listen to political scientists we'd all already know that winning national elections has nothing to do with appealing to 100% of the electorate - it's all built on appealing to about 5% of the electorate. 10% tops.

Posted by armand at November 24, 2004 11:57 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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