December 07, 2004

The Democrats Senate Committee Assignments

Via Redstate. What's notable here? Finance is typically viewed as the great assignment prize of the last several Congresses (it covers a swath of issues including entitlements, taxes, and trade) and the one new addition to that is Chuck Schumer (New York finally has representation on it again!). Obama is to be named to Environment and Foreign Relations panels. Salazar is to join Energy and Agriculture (which seem good fits for Colorado). There are no new members on the Judiciary committee. The additions of Mark Pryor (who lost his Armed Services seat) and Ben Nelson to the Commerce committee may make it more conservative and perhaps more likely to uphold, for example, stricter "decency" rules for the media networks.

It should be noted that the party ratios have been changed, and in most cases Republicans outnumber Democrats on committees by two.

Posted by armand at December 7, 2004 01:12 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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