January 04, 2005

Superfluous Endings - Snicket and Neverland

Two movies, two days, two needless final scenes. I'd recommend both Lemony Snicket and Finding Neverland, but I don't understand why the scripts for both of these films ended with scenes that explicitly laid out emotions and meanings that were made perfectly clear and staged in beautiful non-explicit ways just a scene or two before. Moviegoers, even children, aren't idiots. They get the point. They don't have to be read to.

That complaint aside, I recommend Finding Neverland very highly. I think it's one of the best films of the year. It's really quite moving and sweet and well-acted, but what surprised me most was the directing job. Marc Forster (previously best known for Monsters Ball) did superb work - I really hope he gets an Oscar nomination.

Posted by armand at January 4, 2005 03:16 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies

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