January 13, 2005

Prince Harry the Nazi

I'm not going to usually take time out to criticize 20 year-old celebrities, but what was Prince Harry thinking wearing a Nazi uniform? There's dumb and there's callous but I'm not sure of the right word to capture the cold-hearted stupidity of that move.

Posted by armand at January 13, 2005 09:12 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture


i don't have much trouble seeing why this would offend. but i recently saw a friend dress for halloween as mao. what if someone dressed up as stalin? where is the line drawn? it's a costume, and costumes take many forms, to many effects.

the most iffy costume i saw recently was worn by my friend's neighbors this halloween. we were drinking, in and sans costumes, when we wandered out to the porch and saw on the street five kids in pimp suits and ludicrous afro wigs. worse, they had adorned their faces with what looked like blackface, more or less. they were playing in traffic, literally: wandering in and out of the road, forcing cars to slow. everyone went inside except me; i was convinced i was about to see them get pummeled by passing motorists. as i eavesdropped, i realized what they imagined themselves to be doing: dressing as the jackson 5. but their way of doing so, and their hackneyed and stereotyping conduct towards arbitrary strangers was irksome.

eventually, a limo pulled up to take them and a handful of women to whatever party they were to attend. and i found myself secretly, deviously hoping that at the very least someone at the party managed to very publicly shame them.

Posted by: joshua at January 13, 2005 11:05 AM | PERMALINK

Yeah, people in such costumes get dealt with - as Harry as been. But I'm just amazed that he'd wear it in public. You'd think he'd realize a few things are definite no-no's for the man who's 3rd in line to the throne. But even if he's both stupid and clueless (which seems quite possible) ... you'd think someone would have stopped him before he left the house.

Posted by: Armand at January 13, 2005 01:04 PM | PERMALINK

Yeah, I had to dress up as Hitler for history day in high school and got threatened by a World War II vet who was substituting for one of my classes. So it was funny to see Eric Cartman do it on South Park, but that Prince Harry would do it is just sad. And Joshua might enjoy this link.

Posted by: Morris at January 13, 2005 01:26 PM | PERMALINK

yeah, oddly, while researching something else this AM, i stumbled across that article. what a jackass.

Posted by: joshua at January 13, 2005 02:15 PM | PERMALINK
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