February 03, 2005

Bush's Cocoon

Ya know, it's almost not news anymore, but it still boggles the mind:

Fargo City Commissioner Linda Coates is among more than 40 area residents included on a list of people barred from attending President Bush's speech today in Fargo.
Among the 42 area people on the do-not-admit list: two high school students, a librarian, a Democratic campaign manager and several university professors.


The list contains a wide range of people. Several wrote opinion page letters to The Forum criticizing Bush or the war in Iraq. Others wrote letters in support of gay rights or of Democratic policies.

I thought he was everybody's President?

(Via Josh Marshall.) Posted by baltar at February 3, 2005 11:48 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


How can they do this? How, really can they justify this? Do they say these people are a threat? I mean, intellectually, I know how it happens, but I am just boggled that it happens.

Posted by: binky at February 3, 2005 01:25 PM | PERMALINK

you know, i didn't agree with it, and thought it was illustrative of major problems, when he did this during the campaign. but people do all sorts of things to gerrymander crowds during campaign season, and it's all part of the game, the dog and pony show, fake it til you make it, etc.

but to do it as a sitting re-elected president, and to have it not be front-page news, boggles the mind. this is scandalous, in my mind, nixonian, like so many other things about this administration, and as such i think it's a BIG STORY.

Posted by: joshua at February 3, 2005 02:07 PM | PERMALINK

And, as best I can tell, no one (in the so-called "MSM") is paying any attention. It really just boggles the mind.

Posted by: baltar at February 3, 2005 03:04 PM | PERMALINK
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