March 16, 2005

Today's Prisoner Deaths Story

Comes via John Lumpkin of the AP. If things hold to form we'll learn that these numbers, the highest released yet, include notably fewer deaths than the total number of prisoners that have actually died violently while in US custody. The military is doing all it can to hide the details - both of the deaths, and the horrific abuse that doesn't result in the end of prisoners' lives.

For more on this issue, and others, I hope you have Body and Soul on the list of blogs you frequently read. Jeanne's one of the best writers on the web. And she has an all too rare gift at getting to the heart of even the most troubling and difficult subjects. If you haven't yet read her post, "The Beast in US", you really should. It's a beautifully put consideration of what we are becoming as we prosecute the "war on terror" and the fight in Iraq. I recommend it highly.

Posted by armand at March 16, 2005 11:49 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


Perhaps then the Ministry of Information should add her to our linkies....along with our friend Moon.

Posted by: binky at March 16, 2005 12:00 PM | PERMALINK
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