March 24, 2005

The Government Will Require You to Persist in a Vegetative State

Or at least that will be the case if you live in Louisiana and the latest (there have been so many) idiotic move to regulate people's lives proposed by Republican State Senator James David Cain becomes state law. With no family input and no spousal input the government will keep you hooked up to machines forever. Yet again, I'm getting visions of The Matrix. And I'm still finding all this truly bizarre given the Republican Party's recent focus on the bedrock role played by the family and marriage in society.

And of course this also brings up, yet again, Baltar's complaint (and I share his views on this) about modern big government (heck, at this point we should just call it omnipotent government) Republicans. Cain's example brings up one possible factor that might partially explain this shift. The scary Republicans who want to control every second of your life used to be scary Democrats. But I suppose that doesn't really get at the issue of how people, any people, came to think that these were proper topics for the government to deal with in the first place.

Posted by armand at March 24, 2005 08:00 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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