April 09, 2005

Stage Beauty

It's a very slight film. It's fine. Most everyone involved does a perfectly adequate job. It's raises some interesting identity issues - but doesn't really pursue them anywhere. So that makes it, what? An ok 2-and-a-half star kind of a film? So ... I guess my general reaction to it is that it's something that's unlikely to stir up strongly positive or negative reactions.

There is one exception to that though. Billy Crudup is excellent. That's no surprise of course. He had that great run at the end of the millenium when he turned in some superb (and interestingly varied) performances (Jesus' Son, Waking the Dead, Almost Famous). But, it's great to see that he hasn't lost his touch - and that he can continually increase his range.

Posted by armand at April 9, 2005 01:37 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies

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