April 11, 2005

The Washington Post: Confirm Bolton

Just thought I'd point out the latest evidence that dumb, wild generalizations notwithstanding, not all of the country's major newspapers are anti-Bush or "liberal". The Washington Post's editorial page, which hasn't been remotely hard on Bush for the last four years, has come out in support of the president again, urging the confirmation of John Bolton as the US Ambassador to the United Nations. They say there's no good reason to vote against him. That's ridiculous of course. I mean even if you thought that he should be confirmed, there are still many legitimate reasons not to vote for such an inept, arrogant, dangerous and ineffective nominee. Steve Clemons has been detailing some of the reasons for weeks.

Posted by armand at April 11, 2005 02:32 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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