April 29, 2005

John Bolton: Disagree with Me? You're Fired!

Yes, there's more. This wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world ... but of course some of those he was trying to get fired didn't actually work for him (would you want a guy like that in your office?) and of course when it came to who knew what was actually going on ... they did, he didn't. So he wanted them fired for not backing up his inaccurate view of reality on matters involving of grave threat to the nation's security.

And of course this is just part of the problem. He declines to give his superiors information they request (actually lies to them about its existence), misleads (or lies) to Congress about his past behavior, and the area of government policy he's responsible for (arms control non-prolieration) is perhaps the most disastrous foreign policy failure of this administration over the last couple of years.

Why does a man like this have the president's support for high office? Better yet, why is the president trusting him at this very moment to carry out vital government work that deals with our national security given his long record of failure and hugely inaccurate analysis?

Posted by armand at April 29, 2005 10:40 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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