May 29, 2005

River Rips Tom Friedman a New One

Those of you who enjoy Tom Friedman bashing won't want to miss out on this excoriating critique of his "Outrage and Silence" by River. I'd be willing to muster a few words of defense for him on certain points that are raised (well, to the degree that "I think what he really meant was ..." is a defense), but maybe he should just go back to covering Beirut, a place he seems to have more of an actual clue about. After all, there's a lot going on there this month. Alternatively, the Times could turn over his column inches to Paul Krugman or Frank Rich. Actually, that would be my preference at this point considering the number of phoned-in columns he's written of late.

Posted by armand at May 29, 2005 04:08 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Media

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