June 25, 2005

The Tragedy of Justin Byers

Yesterday Arthur Silber wrote on the suicide of a young Iowan over on The Light of Reason. It's just one death. Undoubtedly others like it have occurred. But it's important to be aware of these events as we weigh the price of Bush's war in Iraq. It goes far beyond those killed and maimed there, and the hundreds of billions of dollars spent. And, personally, it reminds me yet again of the staggeringly immoral lie that the president is commiting when he refers to himself as "pro-life".

Posted by armand at June 25, 2005 02:31 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


I was the closest thing to Justin when the news was given to the family bout his brother. Being neighbors, best friends, and him being my boyfriend, He lived life to the fullest and was always joking about something. Casey died willing for his country and served it more proudly then anyone. Justin was right up there waiting to leave he wanted to be better then casey but follow in his footsteps. Both brothers lived for adventure here on earth and they are once again together in HEAVEN causeing all kinds of trouble.

Posted by: Ashley at August 9, 2005 12:38 AM | PERMALINK

Just noticed your little comment here. Sorry it took me almost two years to see it. I see you havent followed up on the whole truth, but of course that wouldn't fall into your agenda. Both of our sons, whom by the way are now together in Arlington National Cemetary in Virginia probably had quit the giggle about your comments. Too bad your too shallow to follow up on the rest of the story, because as of this day it still continues.

Posted by: Bill Byers at March 19, 2007 06:59 PM | PERMALINK
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