August 15, 2005

Skyrocketing Gas Prices

Why hasn't the president caught more criticism for this? It's not that I think he can wave a magic wand and lower prices. But that he doesn't appear to be doing anything of note to even try to fix the problem - that seems well worth criticizing. And the silence is really rather astonishing - even most Democrats are quiet on this. Is it just that as long as his base loves him the president doesn't need to, you know, work - and that his base would probably still love him if he woke up next to three dead hookers and dined on their bodies for breakfast while American buildings burned from terrorist attacks?

Posted by armand at August 15, 2005 12:45 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Petty Rants


his base would probably still love him if he woke up next to three dead hookers and dined on their bodies for breakfast while American buildings burned from terrorist attacks?

that's a rather vivid image. tough morning?

Posted by: joshua at August 15, 2005 12:58 PM | PERMALINK

Well, the last section is obviously true ... I was just having a very hard time imagining what it would take for "the base" to get fed up with his policy failures. Those are becoming legion - but that doesn't seem to matter to many registered Republicans as long as he talks tough and folksy and touts how god-fearing a man he is.

I am having some trouble finding and deleting stuff that appears embedded in a Word document - but I don't think that's responsible for any images of dead hookers.

Posted by: Armand at August 15, 2005 01:07 PM | PERMALINK

you're right, of course, about his core base, but there are plenty of registered republicans contributing to his 32% approval rating.

and that's the light at the end of the tunnel, long and dark though it may be: between the numbers, hackett, iran, and the lack of any prospects for improvement on the relevant front, the GOP will have either to abandon a sinking president rather conspicuously and loudly or they're going to lose some serious ground in the mid-terms, and probably in '08.

Posted by: joshua at August 15, 2005 01:26 PM | PERMALINK

Joshua - That link says that the president's job approval rating is at 42% - far from good, but not 32%. And so ... well, it's possible things will change. Just last week I was chatting with a strongly Republican, strong Christian who is absolutely fed up with him over Iraq. But ... I don't know. Since it appears all Bush really values is politics and stickin' it to his personal enemies (just read the posts Ezra Klein has put up today) I don't know that I think his numbers will stay that low - know matter how badly he's screwing up the country.

Posted by: Armand at August 15, 2005 01:45 PM | PERMALINK

it's the slope as much as the number that i find encouraging. only ike looked worse, taking only one year to fall the 50 points that it's taken bush 43 four years to fall. still, 50 points is a long way to fall, especially with such a steadily negative gradient.

and if i thought there was much chance of something going well for him, i'd be less optimistic. but what can he possibly improve before the mid-term? and after that he will be a lame duck, so all that delightful unity will start to evaporate as GOP aspirants start fracturing the party in an effort to present a(n at least superficially) unique candidacy.

as for the poll, i was incorrectly citing the Bush 41 number from the bar graph. oops.

Posted by: joshua at August 15, 2005 02:53 PM | PERMALINK

Bush's approval rating will hit 32% or lower when gas is $5 a gallon.

Posted by: John at August 16, 2005 10:33 AM | PERMALINK
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