August 17, 2005

Our Beautiful and Unusual Galaxy

There have been new scientific discoveries about the nature of the Milky Way. It is a barred spiral, and the bar is much longer than it was previously thought to be. Click on this link to learn more details, and see a pretty illustration of our amazing, sparkling galaxy.

On the theological and political implications of these discoveries, the Downtown Lad responds with the following comment:

Look how vast it is. When I look at this picture, it just makes me think how idiotic it is that people are basing their entire lives on what some dude named Jesus did 2000 years ago on some dinky planet called Earth that revolves around a distant star called The Sun.

And if there really is a God, who not only reigns over this one galaxy, but trillions of others, do you really think he sits there and says to himself "I sure hope there aren't two dudes ass-fucking on that planet over there....."

Posted by armand at August 17, 2005 11:37 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Science

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