August 29, 2005

Basra Goes from Bad to Worse

George Bush's plan to make Iraq into an authoritarian, theocratic Islamic state in which people (especially secular professionals and, among others, Christians) live in constant fear of being tortured and killed by murderous government agents continues to meet with great success.

What? That wasn't the plan?

Well, sadly, that is what seems to be happening.

It is not just Sunnis who are being targeted in this majority Shia city, the professor said, but other Shia as well. All professors - particularly those interested in politics, like himself - are in danger. And not just professors, but judges, and doctors and journalists. And politicians who are seen as secular alternatives to the clergy now in power. And those, especially women, who work for foreigners. And Christians. U.S. and Iraqi sources say it is often police intelligence officers who commit the killings.

Am I the only person who's starting to wonder if we are going to have to invade Iraq again before with invade Iran. Oh, wait, we are still there. And yet this still goes on. Lovely new government we are supporting, no? If this is those who are "with us" .... well, just exactly what kind of measures is the president using to define that whole with us/against us thing?

Posted by armand at August 29, 2005 04:32 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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