August 30, 2005

What a Difference an "H" Makes

My initial reaction to this post by Publius on the importance of rhetoric was considerable puzzlement - and then I finally realized, oh, the Roman guy, not Mr. J. Lo.

Thankfully, I was in a rather more focused state when I read through this post by Publius on originalism. He does a superb (and fun and cutting) job of concisely pointing out just how arrogant and revolutionary an approach to jurisprudence it is. It's not remotely conservative. I strongly recommend reading the post.

Posted by armand at August 30, 2005 12:58 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Law and the Courts


The first post is spot on, I think. And reminds me that one problem with Stonewall (as with other riots/rebellions) is that they are necessary, but bad training for what's necessary next. Kind of like how campaigns are bad training for a lot of what's necessary once one wins.

The second post is spot on too, of course.

Posted by: arbitransom at August 30, 2005 06:32 PM | PERMALINK
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