September 04, 2005

Holiday Weekend Link Roundup

It has been a very depressing week. I have sworn to commit myself to being with friends and family this weekend, leaving blogging and politics for a few days to appreciate life.

There are a few items and links I want to post, however.

First, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Rehnquist passed away last night.

Second, please consider a donation to hurricane relief. Things are getting better and the most acute suffering in New Orleans is winding down, but there will be a long process of recovery that needs all our support.

Third, animal lovers, there have been some horrible stories about abandoned pets, and people being forced to leave their animals on the side of the road because they are prohibited from taking them on the evacuation bus. The Humane Society has already collected hundreds of animals and will likely find many more. You can donate directly to them, or contact your local Humane Society, foster organization or even pet store to help with a donation or temporary home for someone's lost pet.

Fourth, read about Homeland Security here and here.

Fifth, many people who did not follow the hurricane initially may not have seen the live feeds coming out of New Orleans. Next to the governor at all of them, and responsible for describing the emergency plans was a uniformed official from Homeland Security. The disaster declaration came before the storm hit so that Homeland Security would be already empowered to act. See the White House Press Release of August 27.

Sixth, here is an interesting critique of the Bush photo ops in the disaster region. Particularly revealing are the comments of the foreign journalists, who saw the man behind the curtin, and paid attention.

Seventh, well, you know, it's a beautiful day in West Virginia. I hope it is where you are too.

Posted by binky at September 4, 2005 11:05 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


Looks like even Senator Landrieu has had enough. Or maybe it was Anderson Cooper's plea.

Atrios has this that and here and here oh my and here. He is a one man FEMA exposing machine.

Sunshine calling. Must put down the mouse.

Posted by: binky at September 4, 2005 01:26 PM | PERMALINK

Back inside for a bit. Don't want sunburn. Instead found heartburn. Found a completely mind boggling comparison of the difference between FEMA's reponse to 2004 hurricanes in Florida and Katrina at Whiskey Bar.

Read the list of advance preparations they started before the storms came ashore, the truckloads of ice and water, the generators, because "Gov. Jeb Bush sought federal help Friday while [Hurricane] Charley was still in the Gulf of Mexico." Unlike the governor of Louisiana who asked for help, oh, wait, when Katrina was still in the Gulf of Mexico.

Shameful. Absolutely shameful.

Posted by: binky at September 4, 2005 05:01 PM | PERMALINK
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