September 07, 2005

David Brock on the Washington Post and Anonymous Sources

Brock raises some extremely good questions here. To paraphrase - Why does the Post protect anonymous sources who are lying? What journalistic good is served by serving as a megaphone for the mendacious powers that be, and not even forcing them to put a face to the lies? And isn't it newsworthy, in and of itself, that senior administration officials are covering their asses with off-the-record lies?

The Post has long been friendly to this administration on topics like the Iraq war, but as a supposedly journalistic entity how in the world can they carry on with this type of behavior? Have they decided to swim along at the bottom of ersatz journalism with MSNBC?

Posted by armand at September 7, 2005 03:50 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Media


The WaPo must have been inundated with letters. I wrote one, and got this in response:

Thank you for contacting Your suggestions and comments help us make a better site. Although it is impossible to respond to every individual comment, we do read all of them and will forward your thoughts to the appropriate people at and The Washington Post newspaper.

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Michael Golden
Director, Customer Relationships

Posted by: binky at September 7, 2005 07:01 PM | PERMALINK
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