September 08, 2005

More Katrina Post-Disaster Stories

While I can't vouch for the accuracy of the story, if this is true, it speaks very ill of the rescue effort and the nature of attempts to alleviate the problems in New Orleans. However, it's certainly worth a read.

Humanity has such an ugly side. "Nasty, brutish and short" never seemed quite so accurate as it has in the last week and a half.

Posted by baltar at September 8, 2005 11:49 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Natural Disasters


That one is really making the rounds. I have seen it in many places. There is so much stuff that at this point, you have to wonder if it's all true. Or maybe, I just don't want to believe it could be true.

Posted by: binky at September 8, 2005 11:54 AM | PERMALINK

Yeah, this isn't the first place I had seen it either, but it is getting enough press to warrant posting it. Plus, I thought there might be a few people who hadn't seen it.

Posted by: baltar at September 8, 2005 11:57 AM | PERMALINK

And in the category of "I don't know whether to laugh or cry," this from Americablog. Remember the missing "dodged a bullet" headline? One of Americablog's readers found where it came from: WorldNetDaily. Our decision-makers are not getting their information from the chain of command, not getting them from the live streaming videos of disaster from local and national channels, but from the echo chamber.

Posted by: at September 8, 2005 03:51 PM | PERMALINK

the comment thread to that post, as well as the post itself, provides an awful lot in the way of supposed corroboration from fairly disparate sources. i don't have time to follow up, but is anyone at all surprised?

i'd love to hear the authority by which sheriff's arrogated the prerogative to deny people entry to their state at gunpoint. caselaw is legion that protects the right of free passage between the states; a state can't just up and seal off its borders without a pretty thorough procedure and a clear showing of necessity. bottom line: those police officers, or at least the highest official in on the decision, not only should be relieved of duty -- he should be put in jail, end of story.

Posted by: joshua at September 8, 2005 04:57 PM | PERMALINK

Have you heard about Hurricane Pam?

Posted by: binky at September 9, 2005 01:34 PM | PERMALINK

Binky, we checked it out, found corroborating accounts, even a chunk of video broadcast from (believe it or not) Fox News, and it does appear to be quite damnably true. I wish it weren't.

Joshua, I've been wondering the same thing myself. The Gretna police force took illegal actions which resulted in multiple deaths and a great deal of suffering, and they did it to helpless refugees in the aftermath of one of the worst disasters in our history. Absolutely, they should be prosecuted.

Posted by: Teresa Nielsen Hayden at September 9, 2005 04:51 PM | PERMALINK

Glad to hear it. Since I asked Baltar the question, I have also seen other verifications. Thanks for updating us, and for getting the story circulating.

Posted by: binky at September 9, 2005 04:54 PM | PERMALINK
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