September 09, 2005

Hurricane Damage, Property Rights and Reconstruction

Lauren at Feministe asks the all important question: what is going to happen to people's homes when they have been evacuated from New Orleans? She posts about and links to this from Kathryn Cramer. Reading these two pieces reinforced the uneasy feeling I've been having in my stomach all day when reading about the forced evacuations.

I understand that many of the people in New Orleans who are still there are not capable of sticking it out. However today I read a news story on CNN describing some who are well-provisioned, on dry ground, with generators, gas, food for a year. The authorities are taking their legal registered guns. They are making them leave the property that they own. People in some refugee centers are not free to move about the country. I'm not going tinfoil hat on you, but there are those nagging thoughts about what other rights are going to be bent or broken. What about that new court decision on takings? What about the comments of members of Congress saying that God had cleaned up the projects that no government could? What about Hastert suggesting bulldozing? Who decides? Are owners going to be consulted first? Are they even going to be notified? These are some very big questions, and I hope some sharp lawyers get on answering them right away.

For some really scary stuff, read the post before the one I linked to from Kathryn Cramer. Hired commandos in New Orleans.

Posted by binky at September 9, 2005 10:12 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Natural Disasters

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