September 22, 2005

And the new agreement with North Korea is different because...?

What, Madeline Albright wasn't there?

We've talked about it before but this time Billmon beat me to it.

This time last year I had a conversation with a hard-line Bush supporter about this issue, and I suggested that this administration would only end up doing pretty much the same things as Clinton, since the situation demands a pragmatic approach to foreign policy. Simply put, we had three options: ignore 'em some more, bomb 'em, or talk to 'em. Lo and behold, talking. Not that it's ultimately going to do much more good than when the Clinton administration reached the same conclusion, but at least it gives some opportunity to keep an eye on the situation.

Posted by binky at September 22, 2005 12:05 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


But Dick Cheney told me (and thousands or millions of others) thatwe don't negotiate with evil, we defeat evil. Could it possibly be that the Vice President of the United States is really such a great big liar?

Posted by: Armand at September 22, 2005 12:49 PM | PERMALINK
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