October 11, 2005

Samuel Huntington a Racist? Who Knew?!?

In the realm of academia there is probably no one who's grand reputation I understand less than Huntington's. I can understand why it started, but over time he seems to have been wrong more often than he was right. Or maybe it's just that I found Political Order in Changing Societies to be both theoretically flawed and ponderously written. No, his considerable flaws extend beyond that one text. And lately he seems to have given up all pretense at hiding from critics who think of him as a reactionary kook. Latest example? In the November issue of The Atlantic Bernard-Henri Levy quotes him as saying, "The big thing, the big problem with Hispanics, is that they don't like education!" (Emphasis mine of course, but I think it's merited.)

Posted by armand at October 11, 2005 11:03 AM | TrackBack | Posted to The Academy

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