October 12, 2005

Dreier Spiked Because of His Perceived Sexual Orientation?

I am a bit surprised, given that the media tends to be more than a little interested in issues of sex and sexual orientation, that not more has been made of the fact that the Republican caucus appears to have blocked the rise of David Dreier to the position of House Majority Leader largely because of the widespread belief that he's gay. It's not the first time they've acted this way. Steve Gunderson (R-WI) retired because he believed he was blocked from chairing of the Agriculture Committee for a similar reason (well of course - how could America ever trust the government again if an avowed homosexual played a key role in setting the price of corn subsidies). But nonetheless, it's interesting that this isn't openly discussed in the major media. Not that I think it should be open season on closet heterosexuals. I don't. But if this is, in practice, a bar to holding high office in this country, and the Republican party particularly insists on enforcing this code, it would seem appropriate to talk about this openly and end this wink-wink, nudge-nudge business.

Posted by armand at October 12, 2005 04:50 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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