October 13, 2005

Jerry Kilgore Resorts to "Hitler" Ads

Virginia is in the midst of an ugly campaign for governor. I was particularly incensed by one Kilgore ad I heard last week which was pretty close to mendacious (I suppose it could be defended as technically accurate - but the "facts" were taken out of context, and the implications the ad made weren't accurate). But now Kilgore (the Republican candidate) has taken things up a notch and is arguing that Tim Kaine (the Democrat) wouldn't execute Adolph Hitler if he had the chance. [Kaine is personally opposed to the death penalty, but has pledge to enforce it as governor.] I wish I was flabbergasted, but given Kilgore's campaign behavior so far in this race, and the fact that in the last debate he refused to pledge to run mostly positive ads for the remainder of the campaign (Kaine said he would, if Kilgore would too), it's almost predictable. Still - Hitler?!?

The next three weeks are going to feature some truly nasty ads in Virginia.

Posted by armand at October 13, 2005 10:03 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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