October 23, 2005

Support the Troops...

...by gagging them, and denying that they are allowed to be frustrated. Via Feministe a post at The Tattered Coat about an Operation Truth blogging soldier who was not only silenced (despite, as The Tattered Coat points out, adhering to censorship standards), but forced to recite the following pledge:

For the record, I am officially a supporter of the administration and of her policies. I am a proponent for the war against terror and I believe in the mission in Iraq. I understand my role in that mission, and I accept it. I understand that I signed the contract which makes stop loss legal, and I retract any statements I made in the past that contradict this one. Furthermore, I have the utmost confidence in the leadership of my chain of command, including (but not limited to) the president George Bush and the honorable secretary of defense Rumsfeld. If I have ever written anything on this site or on others that lead the reader to believe otherwise, please consider this a full and complete retraction.

He forgot to add "All Hail Dear Leader!"

goes off muttering about communists masquerading as conservatives. again. Posted by binky at October 23, 2005 06:25 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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