October 28, 2005

The Raid on Student Aid

So the Republicans have decided, once more, to shamelessly act like they care about the country's tremendous debt and annual deficit. While one might think this would be a good thing, that notion would likely be premised on the belief that the poor and least advantaged amongst us wouldn't be those who'd be the first to lose needed aid. And if there's anything that the president and the supposedly Christianity-believing Republican Congress have shown a willingness to do in the last five years, it's to cut the legs out from under the neediest Americans, be it poor students who hope to get a good education and better both themselves and the American economy, or veterans who need decent health care.

So, sadly but predictably, who loses in the latest budget cuts? Students (yet again) and children who aren't getting child support. Uh, I thought the family-values party was in charge? I guess we were lied to.

But wait, if you think I'm being too cruel, don't worry - the article makes clear that more cuts in Medicaid and food stamps are yet to come. And through all this, the millionaire's tax relief remains intact.

Posted by armand at October 28, 2005 11:39 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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