November 14, 2005

First Sony, now Target

From Steve Gilliard, more on the contortions of Target (and yes, that's his graphic and tag line. Nice, eh?).

Do your fucking job and hand out the pills

Here at Target we offer stylish, low cost goods
and vagina control

I've been after this subject before, and leave it to Gilliard and AMERICAblog to discuss the particulars (including that Target will only respect religious rights in respect to Plan B). I'll limit my comment to this: I'm disgusted with Target. The weasels. If they want to support religious freedom, go for it. Respect the full gamut of expression. That would be gutsy. This position? It shows what cowards they are. I've got a $100 gift certificate from Target. Now, they already have the money, so tearing the gift card up and sending it in won't really accomplish much. No, not much. But it got me to thinking... what could I do with $100 to show Target my displeasure. Buy posterboard and markers and use them to make and post signs announcing Target's cowardice? Buy some oh-so-fashionable cards and send them to all my friends with a copy (printed on paper bought at Target, of course) of the craven capitulation to the religious right with an exhortation to never offer one thin dime more of their hard earned cash to a company more concermed with the mendacity of the religious right than medical science? Perhaps I should buy buckets and buckets of sidewalk chalk, and use them to broadcast a guerrilla protest on whatever surface presents itself? I don't know... I'm still contemplating what to do with the hundred bucks. Until they change their policy, it will be the last money I ever spend at Target.

Posted by binky at November 14, 2005 07:48 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Corporate Bullshit | Politics | Religion


UPDATE: Digby has a more extensive post on this subject, and is more thoughtful than I was about the utility of boycotts. Digby also links to some material from the (for lack of a better term) pharmacists' rights side of things. One section that really caught my eye (emphasis mine):

Misoprostol (Cytotec®) is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue originally indicated for the treatment of ulcers caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. However, it has been discovered that this drug causes uterine contractions in pregnant women. Some practitioners prescribe this drug to purposely induce abortion. The difficulty is that this drug can be used for other reasons as well. It can also be used to induce labor and delivery of a healthy baby. In addition, it can be used postpartum for placenta problems or hemorrhage. It is very difficult to determine whether the patient is using the drug for a therapeutic reason or a destructive one.

It's not very difficult. It's impossible for the pharmacist to determine. Beyond that, it's unethical to deny medical treatment based on an uninformed guess, rooted in religious, not "therapeutic" grounds, by someone unqualified and uncertified to prescribe medicine.

Posted by: binky at November 15, 2005 03:08 PM | PERMALINK
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