November 17, 2005

A Religious Response to Pat Robertson

As has been mentioned, Pat Robertson just about called down the (literal) wrath of God on Dover, PA, for unelecting some whackos to the school board who wanted to teach religion in science class, rather than science in science class. I ran across this response, from the retired Bishop of Newark, New Jersey. Selected highlights:

I want to make only two points about this issue. First, I wonder who, other than Pat himself, designated Pat Robertson to be God's spokesperson? How dare Pat assume that the God revealed in the Jesus I serve is filled with all of Pat's peculiar prejudices. Why does he not understand that God is God and Pat Robertson is not? Why does he not see that when he tells the world with an unashamed certainty what God thinks and what God will do, he is only revealing what he thinks and what he would do if he had God's power? Pat needs to understand that he is acting out the very meaning of idolatry. He has confused God with himself.
Second, someone needs to inform Pat Robertson that the idea of God sitting on a throne above the clouds manipulating the weather in order to punish sinners is so primitive and so naïve that it is staggering to the educated imagination. It is bad enough that his mind cannot embrace the thought of Charles Darwin from the 19th century, but Pat has yet to embrace the thought of Copernicus from the 16th century or Galileo from the 17th century.
No educated person today believes that the earth is the center of the universe and that God lives above the sky, playing with low-pressure systems and planning revenge on those who are not believers in Intelligent Design. Indeed why would anyone be drawn to the demonic deity who emerges in Pat's thinking and teaching?

Read the whole thing. Good to know that there are still some Christians who aren't insane. Now, if only they were more vocal, and more important to the culture.

(Via the comments at Cole's Balloon Juice.)

Posted by baltar at November 17, 2005 01:23 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Religion


Nice catch.

And, as I have said before, Pat's God looks a like more like Zeus or some other jealous, spiteful, plotting, rutting, vengeful pagan deity.

Posted by: binky at November 17, 2005 02:10 PM | PERMALINK
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