December 01, 2005

"Slob is the new slut"

That should have been her post title.

Personally, I'm a huge believer in what Hirschman calls "ignorance and dust"--not caring about tidiness and not cultivating any special skills to produce domestic order. One of the way society controls women is by setting unrealistic bourgeois aesthetic standards and foisting them on women. One way women can resist the patriarchy is by rejecting these standards as unreasonable.

If you don't let other people shame you for your sex life, don't let them shame you about ironing the sheets, either. Slob is the new slut.

Absolutely on target. Hence my cultivation of the "Einstein" look for hair and blatant disregard for dustbunnies. I get frustrated with clutter (another meal standing up because the table is covered with papers? damn!), and will clean for big events (so that there are places to sit and the ones there are don't leave inch think coatings of pet hair on the guests), but I'm increasingly of the attitude that if someone doesn't like me because I am a mess, they can fuck off. I have a job, and it's not cleaning the house. I have hobbies, and guess what, they aren't cleaning the house. Love me? Love my disarray.

Posted by binky at December 1, 2005 01:23 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Gender and Politics

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