January 02, 2006

Bush - I'll Still Torture When I Wanna; Will McCain Respond?

So it's come to this - the president is reserving his right to break the law in ANOTHER area (other than FISA I mean - what's next? arson? printing off 10's and 20's in the residence?). Putting aside Mr. Bush's staggering arrogance, elitism, utter disrespect for AMERICAN LAW and the democratic traditions thousands of brave Americans have fought and died to protect for centuries (because sadly he's made it abundantly clear that he is just that sort of "patriot"), what's John McCain going to do now? If he doesn't respond he'll show himself to be just a headline-grabbing weasel, right? I mean he stalled action on arguably the most important vote matter of the year to defend what he viewed as a vital matter of principle. If he let's the president simply choose to disobey the law on that vital matter (and the course of action backed by no fewer than 90 senators from both parties) - is McCain really as noble, tough and principled as his supporters say? I'd think not. He needs to stand up on this - very loudly - if he wants to maintain his credibility.

UPDATE!: Hilzoy has the best post on this latest bit of "I don't give a friggin' damn what the Congress wants or the Courts might require - the law is what I damn well say it is (even if the words themselves clearly don't say what I say)" presidential misbehavior.

"Respect Mah Authoritah!!!!!"

It's very much worth your time, and includes zingers about how Bush is perverting both the McCain and (Lindsay) Graham amnedments, how he's seeking to deny appeals to men who've been cleared by military tribunals, and a well-deserved smack at John Yoo (someone who clearly seems to hate democracy and much that America's government stands for - yet was prominetly employed by our dear leader and, sadly for us, has abetted his worst authoritarian impulses).

Posted by armand at January 2, 2006 02:53 PM | TrackBack | Posted to The Ever Shrinking Constitution

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