January 19, 2006

IR Theory According to Condi Rice, Ph.D.

"The fundamental character of regimes now matters more than the international distribution of power."

So this is my question to the other members of the Coup (and anyone else who'd like to chime in) - do you think she'd still pass a comprehensive doctoral exam in theories of international relations if she was taking it today? Or would she fail it, if this is the assumption on which she's basing US foreign policy?

Posted by armand at January 19, 2006 09:43 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


I noticed that Justin Logan was similarly shocked by this statement. Here's part of what he wrote on his blog:

"Wow, really?!? The European Union is liberal and democratic. If it had, you know, an army, does the above claim mean that we'd be okay with being surpassed in terms of relative power by another state or coalition of states? Would the Secretary care to clarify?

I submit to you that if an undergrad at Stanford had just hung that one out there in, say, 2000, Rice would have sheared his head off neatly at the shoulders. But now it's become an article of faith for the true believers in the administration.

It's hard to overstate how radical a proposition this is."


Posted by: Armand at January 22, 2006 11:21 AM | PERMALINK

Sorry not to have picked this up, Armand. Being on the road is hell on the blogging.

Posted by: binky at January 22, 2006 03:02 PM | PERMALINK
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