January 26, 2006

What's a Young Aristocrat to Do?

If you didn't get enough of him in Born Rich, you can read this interview with Cody Franchetti (conducted over dinner at Le Bernadin).

Posted by armand at January 26, 2006 10:25 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture


You know, after reading that piece I have the same reaction that I had when I saw the movie: such a compelling character. Whether constructed or real - or a bit of both, as he suggests - obviously the man has tremendous charisma. He plays it so carefully that he leaves you on the line between liking that he is self-reflective enough to be unapologetic about who he is and what he wants, and disliking him for excessive self-absorption. Which, I suspect, is also part of his manipulation of his own image. However I might say that rather than being a creature dedicated to preserving tradition, that he is quite post-modern in the way he borrows, revives and recombines elements of tradition into the contemporary mix.

Posted by: binky at January 26, 2006 12:18 PM | PERMALINK

i didn't see born rich, and knew nothing of the brouhaha over his comments until just now, but i must say, binky, that you're thumbnail analysis of him seems spot-on to me. and generally speaking, for my money, it's hard not to like him. but then maybe i just love his jacket.

Posted by: moon at January 26, 2006 12:55 PM | PERMALINK
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